Ohio Senate Candidate Tim Ryan Moves Further Leftward, Attacks Manchin and Sinema over Filibuster


Representative Tim Ryan (D-OH-13), who is running for U.S. Senate, moved further leftward, opting to attack moderate Senators Krysten Sinema (D-AZ) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) for their support of the filibuster.

The two Democrats chose to stand up to their party, who attempted to gut the 60-vote threshold required for certain pieces of legislation.

When denouncing the position of the two senators, Ryan pledged to support the move to abolish the rule, if he were elected to the position.

“Kyrsten Sinema won’t eliminate the filibuster, effectively killing our voting rights legislation. 50-50 isn’t cutting it. We have to expand our majority if we want to abolish the filibuster and make real progress. If we win Ohio, we’re virtually guaranteed to do just that,” he said in a tweet.

Furthermore, the Senate hopeful continued his attacks on his fellow Democrats in a fundraising email, accusing the lawmakers of “playing politics.”

The effort to destroy the rule—meant to create bipartisanship—was started by progressive lawmakers. President Joe Biden joined the calls when he failed to gather congressional support for his agenda.

Republicans running to take on Ryan, who is the frontrunner in the Democratic primary, have slammed his decision to support the highly-consequential move.

“Tim Ryan has fully embraced the radical left with his reckless calls to end the filibuster,” said GOP candidate Jane Timken previously. “But with an insatiable thirst for power and need for control, Democrats like Tim Ryan now want to change the rules to rig the game in their favor. Court packing, election rigging, an erosion of our Constitutional rights to Life, Liberty and the 2nd Amendment – that is the future we face with Democrats like Tim Ryan in control. It is more important than ever that we take back the Senate and our Congressional majorities in 2022 and retire radical liberals like Tim Ryan for good.”

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Rep. Tim Ryan” by Gage Skidmore CC BY-SA 2.0.





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One Thought to “Ohio Senate Candidate Tim Ryan Moves Further Leftward, Attacks Manchin and Sinema over Filibuster”

  1. william delzell

    Good for Ryan!
